On My Knitting Needles: April 2018
Me in my short blue poncho and modeling the socks that I knit for my daughter. She wanted several pairs that were fixed the way she wanted me to. So I’ve been knitting socks for the past few months like they are going out of style.
This is for my teddy frog Beatrice. She always gets a new Easter dress every year and this was what she got this year. She was happy.
This is the basket with the socks that I knit. The white socks were hard because i did cabling on them. the stripes were annoying because my daughter wanted some just like that, but I only gave her minimal stripes (in the middle) and presented those to her.
White, dainty, cabled socks. Beautiful. They took some time to get right but I like them nonetheless. My first sock didn’t turn out right, but the second one was free of errors. I made many errors on the first sock. The second sock is largely free of them.
This is my pink cabled hat that I gave to a friend of mine, whose daughter is now the owner of it. It was a beautiful hat made from beautiful yarn that I received free from Knit Picks. It was great yarn and I wouldn’t mind paying for it. I was happy to get it by the way. It made a gorgeous hat and made for a gorgeous result.
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